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Forum Posts

Nov 28, 2020
In Future Features
Problem with denoising on multiple devices is that there are visual edges between the parts. So my proposal is, that we can select one device, that should do the denoising after all tiles are rendered. Maybe it would be a nice addition to add a Composition node for crowdrender. This would allow us to automatically define that denoising should be done afterwards. Greetings, Alex
Nov 27, 2020
In General Questions
Hi there, I just created an account for the forums. While normally i use created passwords with more than 16 characters, I was not able to do so for the forums. I don't now the exact max length, as i haven't tried them all.. :D The problem I had (besides the restriction itself) was, that there was no real information of the signup form of the error. I had to manually look up the request via dev-tools in order to get to know the error. There should be at least an error indcating, that the password is too long. Or a text, that shows this limitation statically. Kind regards, Alex
Nov 27, 2020
In Future Features
I would like to run crowdrender agents in a k8s cluster. Already started a helm chart. But I got one Problem so far: Kubernetes Loadbalancers are not really meant for opening big port-ranges. The are more meant like heaving 80 and 443 and a reverseproxy as ingress controller, e.g. Nginx. (Yes, you can open multiple ports via config, but not all Loadbalancers of k8s- or ComputeEngine providers allow such a high number of target ports) There are thre ways, that come to my mind, how this could be handled. First (and more of a temporary) solution would be, to allow different paths in the blender-plugin. e.g., this allows the usage of different paths in the Ingress resource, that can be routed to the different ports of the docker container. Second solution would be, to require only a single port (but could be multiple connections if needed). This would allow me to use one subdomain or path per agent. Would not be the ideal solution, but would be much mor usable with the k8s+nginx+Loadbalancer setup. Third solution: have a separate application as controller, that distributes the load between the agents. The crowdrender plugin should only comunicate with the controller, while the agents also only communicate with the controller and not the blender-plugin. This would allow a much better scaling (that can be done automatically via HPA). Stay Safe, Alexander Weidt


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