The latest publicly available version is v0.2.3, which gives me an error when clicking the START button:

It looks like this might have been fixed on version 0.2.4:

When do you guys plan on releasing it (or whichever version that works with Blender 2.83.1) publicly?
(paying for a subscription is unfortunately not an option)
By the way, I did not fully test the Add-on to see if this error is critical, but it shouldn't appear anyway.
Okay, this is weird.. I just installed CR on my main workstation (same version) and there were no errors at all.
The errors seems to just appear when starting the Add-on on my laptop...
Both are Windows 10 btw.
Hi there :) ok this is a known error, its been addressed actually in V0.2.6, not V0.2.4. The problem is related to other services running on your network that cause conflicts with our background services used to help blender connect to other computers.
There is a work around though, simply check out this video at the 13:00 minute mark where I explain how to move the ports Crowdrender uses to another range, this usually solves this particular error :)
And to answer your other question, yes, we're planning on releasing all our software as we meet our development fund targets. The plan is to become community funded and open source, which you can read about on our development fund page ->
Hope this helps :)