I tried to install the latest 1.6.0b (cr_016_bl280_b.zip) for Blender 2.80. According to the last email I received it should work with Blender 2.80.44 but it's not working. When I try to activate the plugin, I get the following message:
Get the same errors with "install from file" and manually copied to addon folder.
thanks! I just downloaded that build and lo and behold, the blender devs have removed the bpy.types.Hemilight which our addon was expecting to find. Which is responsible for the error. But, that particular light still exists on today's daily build for macOS, so I'm going to ask the devs what is going on before issuing a fix for windows, it may have been an error on their part removing it since the change seems to only affect windows (note, I haven't checked linux yet).
So, if you can, try backing up to an earlier version of 2.80.44. I understand that might be hard for you unless you build from source!
In the mean time, we'll chat to the blender devs to see if bpy.types.Hemilight is being removed on all OS types or if this removal on windows is a mistake.
FYI, todays release for macOS is working with our addon. That might not be of any comfort though!
Downloaded 2.80.44 this morning (Feb. 18 - "blender-2.80-7d792976e100-win64.zip"). I have attached a new screenshot of the error message.1- Install crowdrender (file downloaded this morning "cr_016_bl280_b.zip") from within Blender in Edit>Preferences...>Add-ons>Install...>pick file cr_016_bl280_b.zip>Click on "Install Add-on from file"
2- Try to activate Render:Crowdrender by putting a checkmark in the box... get the error message:
Hi there, wow, ok, i had not seen that error until today, when did you download your copy of blender 2.80.44? From the error this looks like there is a missing attribute, but I can'e see the entire line for some of those messages, would you be able to tell us how to make this happen? If we can get this to happen here on our systems, then we can definitely fix it. We're trying to update the release of 2.80 as frequently as we find problems with it. So if you can tell us the steps to reproduce this error, we'll do our best to get a new build out to fix it.
The repaired build installed properly on both my PC's without errors. I will do some more testing and give some feedback. Cheers
I sent an email to info at crowdrender dot com dot au. Reply and attach repaired build to my email. Thanks.
Hi @fram1963-crowdrender :), slight problem, I have a repaired build for you to try, but can't see your e-mail in our info inbox!
Did you send to
info at crowdrender dot com dot au?
Thanks for the info. I assume you will send an email when the update is available. Thank you!
No worries. I can wait. :D
thanks! I just downloaded that build and lo and behold, the blender devs have removed the bpy.types.Hemilight which our addon was expecting to find. Which is responsible for the error. But, that particular light still exists on today's daily build for macOS, so I'm going to ask the devs what is going on before issuing a fix for windows, it may have been an error on their part removing it since the change seems to only affect windows (note, I haven't checked linux yet).
So, if you can, try backing up to an earlier version of 2.80.44. I understand that might be hard for you unless you build from source!
In the mean time, we'll chat to the blender devs to see if bpy.types.Hemilight is being removed on all OS types or if this removal on windows is a mistake.
FYI, todays release for macOS is working with our addon. That might not be of any comfort though!
Downloaded 2.80.44 this morning (Feb. 18 - "blender-2.80-7d792976e100-win64.zip"). I have attached a new screenshot of the error message. 1- Install crowdrender (file downloaded this morning "cr_016_bl280_b.zip") from within Blender in Edit>Preferences...>Add-ons>Install...>pick file cr_016_bl280_b.zip>Click on "Install Add-on from file"
2- Try to activate Render:Crowdrender by putting a checkmark in the box... get the error message:
Hi there, wow, ok, i had not seen that error until today, when did you download your copy of blender 2.80.44? From the error this looks like there is a missing attribute, but I can'e see the entire line for some of those messages, would you be able to tell us how to make this happen? If we can get this to happen here on our systems, then we can definitely fix it. We're trying to update the release of 2.80 as frequently as we find problems with it. So if you can tell us the steps to reproduce this error, we'll do our best to get a new build out to fix it.