Hopefully someone can help.
1 Master Linux Mint XFCE 19.2
3 Nodes Linux Mint XFCE 19.2
All boxes have Mint 19.2 XFCE
All have updates
All have static IP's
All on same subnet
Have all connected to a dumb switch
All Running Blender 2.80
All have cr_021_bl280 installed
All have same network configurations
When I create the nodes I can see it trying to connect then it either fails or does nothing under "Connect" or Resync". Clicking on each node and trying to "Connect" or "Resync" only seems to be acknowledging only one node and ignores the others
I had Blender 2.81 installed and had node sync issues. I thought maybe 2.81 was the problem
Downloaded 2.80 and installed. Same issues
The issue that I am having is that under Blender 2.81 and now 2.80, I cannot get more that 1 node to sync.
No more than three Blender processes running on each machine at a time
None of the nodes are in a suspended or sleep mode
Swapped switch to test. Same issue
I do have Vino-Server running on the Nodes now, but even before I installed it, I had the same issue
I am including some screen captures from the Master and from Node XFCE-3 connections
Any ideas?

It was me.
I started from the beginning and now I have everything up and running. I do not know exactly where I messed up, but I did.
Everything got reinstalled clean from an image, and Crowd Render is now recognizing all the Nodes and is syncing properly.
Thanks for your help and looking forward to testing it out.
Great Work guys!
Hi Kevanko, ok, connection issues can be tricky to troubleshoot. From what I can see, it seems as though you can at least get one node to connect properly?
Here's what I can suggest
1. Have you checked that you have ports 9000 to 9025 free? Crowdrender by default uses ports in this range. You might be experiencing running out of ports if you have other apps using TCP ports in this range.
2. After doing 1, are you able to take a video/screen cast of what you are doing to connect so we can try to emulate what you do here in our lab. If we can do the same as you and get the same problem, we can 100% fix it, and provide you a workaround in the mean time.
3. Along with 2. please consider sending us your log files for the computers involved. You can do this by going to your user preferences in blender, then addons and then Crowdrender, expand the panel for our addon, scroll down. You should see a button called "zip logs". This will gather all the logging data for that computer and package it to a zip file for you. Please do this for each computer and send us the logs to info at crowdrender dot com dot au
Finally, it could be worth us doing a Skype call? That can solve problems the fastest. If you have time.
All the best
Is this the correct Crowd Render support site?
Has this project been shutdown?
Is there some other site that will provide support?
In looking at this again, I noticed that if I configure one Node, CR does not seem to have a problem connecting to it and synching to it. If I then add a second Node, it adds it to the Node display box, CR appears to "Resync" itself but the original Node that was "Synch'd", goes into "Upload" mode, never returns to "Synch'd" and the additional Node that I configured stays greyed out. Hitting "Resync" gives the same result.
I configured all three of my Nodes one by one and had the same result. The original Node sync's, secondary Nodes stays greyed out, and original goes into "Upload" mode.
If I delete the Node that stays greyed out, do a "Connect" the original Node will then "resync".
All three nodes and the Master are running Linux Mint XFCE. All have the same Blender version (2.80) and CR_021_bl280 installed. All on local home network.
Any help would be appreciated.