We have a problem that at the time of rendering, GPU of the remote computer is idle, but CPU is working. We tried to forcibly disable CPU in the addon settings and enable only GPU, but this is ignored and the render goes to CPU. And an additional question.
Why is the process not visible during rendering, but only the final result? Is it possible to implement rendering mapping as it is originally in Blender. Blender 2.91

G'day Alex, and sorry for the large delay in replying :(
Ok, so a few things to ask here, and of course I'll do my best to answer your questions too.
You've mentioned that the CPU was disabled? I want to confirm this since, you've showd a screenshot where the CPU is clearly still enabled. So just wanted to double check.
Also the screenshot of your task manager does not show the GPU usage. This is also handy to see to confirm what is going on. When rendering using the GPU, you won't actually see it shown as being used (Nvidia cards anyway) unless you go the GPU tab in task manager and turn on the view for CUDA, (see image below)
Ok, so your questions, why we only show the final result. This is an easy and robust way to distribute cycles rendering without requiring developing and distributing our own version of cycles. Put bluntly we use cycles as is provided in the official distribution of Blender, available from blender.org. It means less risk of things breaking basically.